(Zenit) John Flynn: Europe's Fertility Decline Continues

Low fertility rates and an aging population will present Europe with a big economic challenge. This was one of the points made in a study published by the European Commission at the start of the month.

The “Third Demography Report” found that the number of children per woman has increased from 1.45 children, at the time of the last report in 2008, to 1.6. Nonetheless, this is still substantially below the level of 2.1 children that is required to maintain a stable population.

As well, life expectancy is increasing, which will push the trend to an aging population. Already in 4 countries — Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia and Romania — the population is decreasing due to a combination of more people dying than are born and emigration.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Children, Europe, Health & Medicine, Marriage & Family

One comment on “(Zenit) John Flynn: Europe's Fertility Decline Continues

  1. deaconjohn25 says:

    Ah yes!–The Planned Parenthood mentality at work. As our government feeds millions to this proven corrupt otganization which provides cover to men guilty of statutory rape.
    Talk about ironies of history. The original PP organization was totally racist. Their goal was to save America for a “race of greyhounds” (that is white, Northern Europeans).
    But it is their beloved “greyhounds” who have heard their seductive anti-life preachings. And it is white Europeans who are self-destructing, not those “inferior” peoples they so feared and hated.